We teach you  learn

Study with autonomy, security and creativity

Our school is the perfect place to learn in Valencia

Quique, the first student to enter our academy, said, “I like this place. I know I’m not going to get bored here.

9 years have passed, we have expanded to 3 different spaces, but the constant is that our students continue to learn, have fun and so do we.

Perhaps you are checking this web out because you live abroad and are looking for information for PCE or Selectivity, or maybe you want to pursue a professional education and get into a Cíclo Formativos de Grado Superior (the higher level courses).

Probably, you’re searching for a Curso de Valenciano, which will allow you to reach your so longed – for dream.
No matter what you are looking for, if you decide to study with us, we assure you that you will learn a lot, and we’re not just referring to a specific subject.


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Alumnas en clase de valenciano.

Entrance exam

Get access to your favorite university or higher degree.

We have a long experience teaching all kinds of students.Our experience and the students’ results speak for us.

PCE · PAU · PAU over 25 · ·Higher Level Courses · Maturity Test

Alumnas en clase de valenciano.


Learn Spanishl/Valencian in a real and communicative environment.

We are experts in the communicative approach. You will be able to speak confidently and take your desired exams.

Estudiando Biología


Learn how to learn

We are education tutors. Our main aim is to provide you with autonomy and security to achieve your goals. Learn how to learn, to think, to solve all kinds of problems and exercises, to have a holistic vision of the subject and to understand it in depth.



We have several departments to ensure good organization and provide excellent service. The management of the academy is made up of 2 co-directors, four coordinators: a general one and three area ones.

We are committed to caring for and training our team. We meet regularly to build a stronger connection as a team.


We’re very proud of our teaching team! They are excellent professionals, with a long in class experience and a desire to continue learning.

Lovers of education, communication and with great soft people skills.

Experts in the ability to synthesize and transmit concepts.


Lack of motivation or confidence, anxiety, low self-esteem, fear of failure, blockage in organizing your study day. These are some Hof the most common problems related to the study. Our work does not end in class, we will help you to make the whole learning system work more effectively and harmoniously.


We create our own materials and syllabus and we make sure to constantly review and supervise them in order to guarantee you the best quality.

We are committed to flipped classrooms: you are introduced to content at home and will practice working through it at school. Over time we are increasing our Content Online Library so you can easily access the short video explanation at home and in class we’ll concentrate on solving doubts in a more personalized way.


Our learning platform portal is available to you 24 hours a day, it’s a dynamic and very intuitive tool.

We constantly improve and update our virtual classroom.

You can connect and learn at any time.


Many of our classes are taught with both in-person and virtual students at the same time. You choose how to attend. The session will be broadcasted through an artificial intelligence camera that turns distance classes into an authentic experience more real than ever.
In addition, the classes are recorded, so you can watch them again if you need to.

Communicative approach

Children learn how to speak because of the innate need to communicate with the world around them. Our teachers bring that need to the classroom so that you learn in the most natural way possible.



Meaningful learning means understanding what is learned, deepening it, and being able to relate it to other learnings.
In La llibreta we are specialized in achieving this goal: Learning how to learn.


You will feel at home in our school. It is a space created for you, where you will feel welcome, and make lasting friendships. There are 11 spacious classrooms, bright and welcoming.

All are equipped with whiteboards, projectors, and 5 of them are equipped with artificial intelligence cameras. Our latest technological addition is a digital whiteboard.





Youtube subscribers

What students say about us

We have more than 200 reviews with 5-star rating between Google, Facebook and other platforms. All that thanks to you!

El aula virtual

You will find all our online content in different formats (computer, mobile and tablet) so that you learn in a more didactic and easier way. You will enjoy didactic videos, corrected exams, self-qualifying questionnaires, query questions and much more.


Rent classroom

In the In the city centre of Valencia

You will love your new work place



We regularly post information and content related to the wonderful world of learning. Don’t miss it!

Understand and make the most of the weighting tables of Spanish universities. Course 2023-2024

Understand and make the most of the weighting tables of Spanish universities. Course 2023-2024

This article provides a detailed guide on the weighting tables of Spanish universities to help you maximize your admission score. It explains concepts like admission score, cutoff score, and how they relate to weighting tables. Additionally, it provides direct and up-to-date links to the weighting tables for the 2023-2024 school year, organized by autonomous communities. Understanding how these tables work will help you efficiently choose the subjects for the entrance exams and maximize your admission score.

La llibreta School

La llibreta School
Logo Academia La Llibreta


Academia La llibreta

C/ Botánico 9, bajo – 46008, Valencia +0034 96 006 99 34  / +0034 666875860 info@academialallibreta.es

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