Get into your Spanish university


How can I study in Spain?

If you are a foreign student and want to study an University Degree in Spain you are now in the right place. We have been advising and educating students from all over the world with full guarantee. In this site you will find detailed information to be able to start the process by yourself. But, if you prefer, we can manage it for you. 😉😉.

2024 Test Registrations

Deadline for PCE application:

• Ordinary call: from 26/02 to 2/05/24
• September exams:  : from 1/07 to 22/08/24

How to study in Spain as a foreigner?

If you wish to study at Spanish universities and you are an international student, these are the stages you must go through:


Have a High School Diploma (bachiller) or equivalent in a foreign country.


Certify your foreign High School Diploma. Here you will find how to do it and, if necessary, we can get it done for you.


Choose the University Degree you would like to study and where. Depending on the city and the degree you study, the process can be different because of the standards of the university. This post outlines the options available to you. We highly recommend to choose Valencia as your destiny and here you can read a few reasons why. If you choose another city, we will guide you anyway throughout the whole process.


Study Spanish, in case your Spanish level is lower than B1. Our school offers specific courses for PCE students.


Prepare the Specific Competency Tests of the UNEDAssis (PCE UNEDAssis). You can study online wherever you are or attend in-site classes. La Llibreta is an expert and collaborator center with the UNEDAssis with excellent results every year. Check courses.


Register for the PCE. Generally, enrolment period is around march/april for the first call and july for the extraordinary call. If you prefer, we can make this enrolment for you since La llibreta is an accredited center of UNED.


Take and pass the exams in the place you have chosen. You can study the PCE either in Spain or anywhere else. We will let you know when the results are published and how to complain/revise your exam if necessary.


Enrolment at the Spanish University of your choice. You can register in more than one. We will be by your side to guide you if you need it.


Enjoy the experience of living and studying in Spain! =)

What are the PCE? (Specific Competency Exams)

The Specific Competency exams (PCE) are exams carried out by UNEDassis for foreign students who want to study in a Spanish University.

The format of the PCE exams is defined according to the province in Spain where you want to study and the degree you want to access.


Subjects available

Once you’ve decided which Spanish university you wish to attend and what degree you want to pursue, generally:

  • You have to choose between 4 and 6 subjects from the following list according to the University you want to access. We recommend choosing 4 if you are going to study in Valencia.
  • It is advisable to choose subjects that weigh 0.2 (see table of weights of Spanish public universities) to maximize your score in the selectivity for foreigners.

For more information and personalized advice on choosing subjects and how to prepare for the Specific Competence Tests, visit our PCE subjects page and discover how La Llibreta can help you achieve your academic goals in Spain.

PCE courses

Alumnas en clase de valenciano.


Study at your own pace with our self-study online courses

Students taking an exam


Classes from October to May.

B1 Spanish level required

Mature students in class

PCE intensive course

Classes from January to May.

B1 Spanish level required

Mature students in class


Classes from Agoust to May.

For students who do not have a good level of Spanish


Why should I contact La llibreta?

UNED Colaborative Centre

We are a Collaborating Center with UNED. Discover the main advantages.

Advice for university admission in Spain

We inform you about the registration process and requirements to access the University in Spain.

Choosing PCE subjects according to the desired degree

We help you choose the subjects according to the degree you want to enroll in.

Visa management and diploma validation

If you need to obtain a student visa or validate your high school diploma, we provide advice and facilitate the process.

Hybrid classes in Valencia

We offer face to face classes for students who live in Valencia. Our virtual classroom acces is included in the price.

Live or on-demand online courses

Study from anywhere in the world with our online courses and individualized tutoring via Zoom.


Intensive Spanish courses

If you need to improve your Spanish we offer intensive courses so that the language is not an inconvenience.

PCE expert teachers

Qualified and experienced teachers who master the exam content and know how to effectively communicate it to you.

Here's what people are saying about us.

At our school, we are thrilled to have received over 200 reviews with 5-star ratings across various platforms, including Google, Facebook, and others. We are grateful for the support of our students and their families, and we remain committed to providing an exceptional educational experience.

ls sn
ls sn
Me facilitaron información de forma rápida y amable.
Patricia Campos Martinez
Patricia Campos Martinez
Encantada con esta academia. Los profesores son muy cercanos y se preocupan por resolver todas las dudas. En mi caso me apunté para preparar la PAU+25 y he sacado muy buena nota. Además las instalaciones son bonitas y están muy bien cuidadas. Tienen una plataforma muy completa con material extra para estudiar de forma más autónoma. Estoy muy agradecida porque he disfrutado yendo a clase y los profesores me han ayudado mucho.
Daniel Chiva
Daniel Chiva
Unos grandísimos profesionales, sin duda muy recomendable para reforzar cualquier asignatura o preparar cualquier prueba. Muchísimas Gracias
Pilar Cortés Soler
Pilar Cortés Soler
Ha sido de gran ayuda trabajar con ellos para mi prueba de acceso a la universidad. Objetivo conseguido!!!
Recomiendo esta Academia 100% , como madre de alumna. Muy buena atención, muy bien organizada, buenos profesores y muchas facilidades para poder seguir las clases cuando no puedes ir, gracias a su plataforma online. Muy buen sitio para prepararte.
Lucía Blanco Smutek
Lucía Blanco Smutek
No he acudido nunca presencialmente, sin embargo, visito a diario su página web ya que me estoy preparando para la prueba de acceso a grado superior. La página web está genial, bien estructurada y con todo tipo de información totalmente gratuita. No sólo facilita temario para preparar las pruebas de acceso a ciclos formativos, si no que también para selectividad, PCE UNEDassis etc. Proporcionan muchísima información de diferentes ámbitos que viene estupendamente para gente que aprender y/o preparase alguna prueba de manera autónoma. Si tienes alguna duda (como ha sido mi caso), te atienden rápidamente, de manera clara y educada. Conclusión: Estupenda página si lo que quieres es aprender por tu cuenta, de manera rápida, eficiente y para todos los niveles.
Gran academia y profesores muy cualificados. Mi hija está haciendo desde hace dos años clases online de inglés y paso de tener un 6 de nota el primer año a un 10. Mi puntuación al profesorado y academia un excelente. Gracias
Juan Garrido
Juan Garrido
Com no podia ser d'altra manera, gràcies a esta acadèmia i al seu professor de valencià, Pau, m'he tret el títol de C1, inclús pot ser que també el C2. Encantat amb el tracte rebut i us dic que si voleu el C1 no hi trobareu cap acadèmia millor, ni un professor més adient. Ho assegure jo que ja en coneixia més d'una. A La llibreta traure's el C1 de valencià serà bufar i fer ampolles:), i fer els exercicis, i anar a classe o veure-les en l'ordinador, i també escoltar À punt radio i, llegir Ara, Mètode o El temps. Però, amb tot ho passaràs bé i com he sentit jo, gaudiràs d'aprendre la llengua dels valencians.
Jose Quiros
Jose Quiros
M'ha encantat el curs A1-A2 que he fet de Valencià, Martina és una excel·lent professora, m'ha ajudat en tots els meus dubtes. m'agrada molt que les activatats siguen en línia i acte corregibles, i seguraments per a 'estiu tornaré a l'acadèmia per no deixar perdre el valencià. Una abraçada molt forta i un bes molt gran.


PCE Frequently asked questions

We are aware of the amount of information you need to gather to understand your best options for university entrance exams in Spain. For this reason, we have grouped together the most frequently asked questions we receive from our students about the PCE and administrative procedures to help you make the right choice. You will find information on what the exams are like, access requirements, international agreements, UNEDasiss accreditation, and specific subjects according to the desired university degree, among many other issues.

However, if you still have doubts or need additional information, do not hesitate to contact us via phone call, video conference or email, we will be delighted to help you!


Keep learning from home

Available 24hrs a day!

The virtual classroom is a website in which you will find all the theory of the course, as well as explanatory videosprevious exams with keys and a variety of resources for you to continue learning from home. It also has a forum for questions so that you can be in contact with your teacher.

Download PCE exams and solutions

We are a UNED Collaborative Center

We have been successfully preparing students for the PCE for years and since January 2020 we have been a Collaborating Centre with UNED.. We make the necessary arrangements for obtaining accreditations for international students so that they can apply for admission to Spanish universities. The UNED is committed to La llibreta and therefore the Llibreta with its students to:

  • Provide information on the admission  policies and requirements of undergraduate studies in Spanish universities.
  • Manage and report on administrative procedures.
  • Inform about the results obtained in the PCE exams.
  • To report on any changes in  admission policies and requirements to Spanish universities, as well as the examination models, programmes, contents, examination dates, etc.
  • The  possibility of contacting the teacher staff who prepare and evaluate the tests in a timely manner.
  • Advice in case of complaints or reviews.

In addition:

  • We have been assigned a manager of the UNED responsible for the reception and verification of documentation, as well as the follow-up of our students and attention in any incidents that  may arise.
  • La  Llibreta takes part in a briefing on the most important news at the beginning of the school year as well as in subject-specific meetings.




We regularly post information and content related to the wonderful world of learning. Don’t miss it!

Understand and make the most of the weighting tables of Spanish universities. Course 2023-2024

Understand and make the most of the weighting tables of Spanish universities. Course 2023-2024

This article provides a detailed guide on the weighting tables of Spanish universities to help you maximize your admission score. It explains concepts like admission score, cutoff score, and how they relate to weighting tables. Additionally, it provides direct and up-to-date links to the weighting tables for the 2023-2024 school year, organized by autonomous communities. Understanding how these tables work will help you efficiently choose the subjects for the entrance exams and maximize your admission score.


We are happy to answer any of your questions

Contact us with any questions you may have either by phone, email or by filling out the contact form. If you want, you can even come and visit us.

Find us

Gran Vía Fernando el Católico, 23. 46008. Valencia


Call us

0034 96 006 99 34 ó 666 875 860

Office hours

From Monday to Thursday from 9:00 AM to 01:00PM and from 4:00 PM to 08:00 PM. Friday only mornings.

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Profesores altamente cualificados y experimentados